Map of the surrounding area

This map has been reproduced with the permission of the publisher, the Slovene Alpine Society, from the map “Triglav National Park”, 1998.
1. Jezero pod Vršacem (Lake under Vršac), diameter 90 x 60 m, depth 5 m
2. Jezero v Laštah (Lake in Lašte), diameter 40 x 50 m, depth 2 m
3. Rjavo jezero (Brown Lake), diameter 150 x 100 m, depth 10 m
4. Zeleno jezero (Green Lake), diameter 100 x 80 m, depth 2 m
5. Veliko jezero (Great Lake), diameter 300 x 120 m, depth 15 m
6. Dvojno jezero (Double Lake), diameter 120 x 80 m, depth 8 m
7. Črno jezero (Black Lake), diameter 150 x 80 m, depth 6 m
14. Jezero na Planini pri Jezeru (Lake on Planina pri Jezeru), diameter 150 x 100 m, depth 9 m
15. Mlaka pod Vršaki (Pool under Vršaki), diameter 40 x 25 m, intermittent
16. Mlaka v Dolu pod Stadorjem, a smaller intermittent lake in Dol under Stador
17. Malo polje, a swampy alpine karst polje, alpine swamp flora
18. Bohinj Lake, the biggest permanent lake in Slovenia, 6.6 sq km, depth 45 m
20. Mala Savica spring, periodical karst water spouts out of a 60 m long cave
22. Kropa spring, periodical karst water spouts out of a smaller cave, 10 m waterfall
31. Savica spring and waterfall, karst spring falling out of a 120 m long cave in a 51 m high double waterfall
32. Mostnica waterfall, 21 m high
33. Govic, out of a 24 m long and 105 m deep inclined cave a 20 m high waterfall spouts periodically
35. Suha waterfall (waterfall in Drt), 60 m high
42. Mostnica riverbeds, 1 km long and up to 20 m deep
54. Adam and Eve, two rocks on the Jezerski Preval pass
56. Glacier moraines in Stara Fužina, the remains of a glacier dam which created the Bohinj Lake