The Fužine pastures - Alpine club LPP

The Fužine pastures


Between Pršivec and Hribarice, between the Triglav Lakes and Voje, lies the mysterious world of the Fužina Pastures (Fužinske Planine), an alpine plateau with karst-carved relief, covered with forests and grassland, and higher up, with carpets of mountain pine. The landscape is enveloped in the heavy gravity of the old man’s faces of the mountains, while the background is grey and gloomy. As if terrible natural forces had vented their rage on this land. The rough slopes, the corroded cliffs, the crooked larch-trees… no cheerful, playful shape in sight. Is there anything alive up here at all?

But when you, the mountaineer, step into this lonely, tiny land, you will discover with wonder how much life it hides! When passing a lake in the middle of a dark forest, a splash of water will reveal to you the swarming life under the surface. On a narrow path amidst the mountain pine, you will be startled by the noisy take-off of a mighty capercaillie. Up in the ridges, you will spot the brown bodies of the horned inhabitants of these places. Even in the rocky deserts of the highest plateaux, the heavenly blue “neboglasnica” (Eritrichum nanum) will greet you from a rocky crevice. But most lively of all are the large ravines, where bells have been ringing over the abundant grass for centuries. “Ovčarija”, “Dedno polje”, “Laz”, “Krstenica”… are the beautifully sounding names of the pastures where the history of Bohinj dairy-farming has been written. This ancient, hardy activity is again showing encouraging signs of revival. (Not so long ago, one could sooner find a bear on the Fužina Pastures than a cow!)

For mountain lovers, the Fužina Pastures are a precious piece of intact nature far away from the noisy main trails. There are no famous peaks around here for the trophy collectors. You will feel the breathing of nature on these solitary flats. Rather than collecting stamps in your mountaineer’s booklet, you will lock up the beautiful experience in your heart, so that the memories may brighten the grey everyday of the lowland.

With the author’s permission reproduced from: Tine Mihelič, Julijske Alpe, Bohinjske gore – mountain guide


Which are actually the Fužina Pastures?

Planina Vogar (1054 m)

Planina Vodični vrh (1486 m)

Planina Blato (1088 m)

Planina pri Jezeru (1453 m)

Planina Viševnik (1625 m)

Planina Dedno polje (1560 m)

Planina Ovčarija (1660 m)

Planina v Lazu (1560 m)

Planina Krstenica (1655 m)

Reservation system – alpine hut


Alpine Club LPP
Celovška 160
1000 Ljubljana,


Phone no. of
Koča na Planini pri Jezeru:

+386 51 632 738
(from 1.6. to 30.9.)

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